Bright blue Hollywood tour bus

Bright Blue Hollywood Tour Buses

We Stand Out in More Ways Than One

Our Hollywood tour buses are hard to miss. They’re bright blue and beautiful, too! We think they’re the handsomest buses on the boulevard—but we’re biased. And, while they’re certainly cool, the exterior is only part of the Hollywood tourist experience.

Bright blue Hollywood tour bus

Bright blue Hollywood tour bus

While there might not be a universal practice of painting all Hollywood tour buses blue, exploring the potential benefits and considerations of adopting such a color scheme can be an interesting exercise. Painting tour buses blue could be a strategic decision with a variety of potential advantages, both aesthetic and practical. Let’s delve into the possible reasons why it may be a good idea to paint Hollywood tour buses blue.

  1. Branding and Recognition:
    • Blue is a color associated with calmness, trust, and reliability. Incorporating this color into the design of Hollywood tour buses could contribute to creating a positive image for the tour company.
    • Consistency in branding is crucial for recognition. If all tour buses share a distinct blue color, it can enhance brand visibility and make them easily identifiable on the busy streets of Hollywood.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal:
    • Blue is a versatile and aesthetically pleasing color that can evoke a sense of serenity and openness. Hollywood, being a vibrant and visually rich destination, could benefit from tour buses that complement the overall aesthetic of the area.
    • The blue color might stand out against the backdrop of Hollywood’s iconic landmarks and scenery, making the buses more appealing to tourists and enhancing the overall visual experience.
  3. Symbolism and Themes:
    • Blue can be associated with various themes that resonate with Hollywood culture. For example, a celestial or cosmic theme could be created, aligning with the notion of Hollywood as a place where stars shine brightly. This thematic approach could contribute to a unique and memorable experience for tourists.
    • The color blue can also be linked to the ocean, potentially connecting with Hollywood’s proximity to the Pacific. This can create a thematic connection with the natural elements surrounding the city.
  4. Photogenic Qualities:
    • In the age of social media, the photogenic appeal of tour buses is not to be underestimated. Blue is a color that often photographs well, and tourists might be more inclined to share their experiences on social platforms, inadvertently promoting the tour company.
  5. Psychological Impact:
    • Colors can have psychological effects on individuals. Blue is often associated with tranquility and reliability. Tourists might subconsciously feel more at ease and secure when boarding a blue tour bus, contributing to a positive overall experience.
    • The calming effect of the color could also enhance the enjoyment of the tour, creating a more pleasant and memorable atmosphere for passengers.
  6. Differentiation from Competitors:
    • In a competitive market, standing out is essential. If other tour companies predominantly use different colors for their buses, choosing blue could be a strategic move to differentiate one’s brand and attract attention.
    • The uniqueness of blue buses in a sea of differently colored competitors might make the tour company more memorable to potential customers.
  7. Environmental Considerations:
    • Blue is often associated with environmental consciousness, reflecting the color of the sky and the ocean. If the tour company wants to align its brand with eco-friendly values or sustainable practices, choosing a blue color for the buses could subtly convey this message to customers.
  8. Night Visibility:
    • Blue is a color that can be easily visible at night, especially with the right lighting. This can enhance the safety of the tour buses, making them more noticeable to pedestrians and other vehicles during evening tours or when navigating through Hollywood’s nightlife.
  9. Cultural Significance:
    • Blue holds cultural significance in various contexts, symbolizing different things in different cultures. Integrating a culturally resonant blue into the design of Hollywood tour buses could create a sense of inclusivity and connection with a diverse audience.
  10. Flexibility in Design:
    • Blue is a color that pairs well with a variety of other shades. This flexibility in design allows for creative freedom in developing unique and eye-catching graphics, ensuring that each tour bus can have its own distinct personality while maintaining a cohesive overall appearance.

In conclusion, while there may not be a widespread tradition of painting Hollywood tour buses blue, considering the potential benefits outlined above demonstrates how color choices can impact the overall experience of tourists and contribute to the success of a tour company. The decision to paint tour buses blue should be based on a careful analysis of the brand identity, target audience, and the desired emotional response from customers. Whether for aesthetic appeal, brand recognition, or cultural symbolism, the choice of color is a powerful tool in shaping the perception and success of Hollywood tour buses.

Fire Safety in Movie Studios in Hollywood: Protecting the Magic

Preserving The Memories You Come To See on Tours of Hollywood

Hollywood, often dubbed the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” is synonymous with the film industry’s glitz, glamour, and creative excellence. Behind the scenes, the magic of Hollywood comes to life in sprawling movie studios where filmmakers bring their visions to reality. However, the enchanting world of movie making also has its fair share of risks, and fire safety is a paramount concern in these studios. In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies of fire safety in Hollywood movie studios, exploring the measures in place to protect both the talent and the priceless cinematic treasures.

Historical Perspective

Hollywood’s history is marked by not only cinematic achievements but also a few unfortunate incidents related to fires on movie sets. One notable tragedy occurred in 1937 during the filming of “In Old Chicago” when a fire at the 20th Century Fox studios claimed the lives of six people, including three firefighters. This incident served as a stark reminder of the importance of fire safety in movie studios.

Since then, Hollywood has made significant strides in enhancing fire safety measures. Modern movie studios are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, rigorous safety protocols, and dedicated personnel to prevent and respond to fire emergencies. Let’s delve deeper into the various aspects of fire safety within these studios.

Infrastructure and Design

The design and infrastructure of Hollywood movie studios are meticulously planned to minimize fire risks. Studios often consist of sound stages, sets, production offices, and various specialized areas. The materials used in these structures are chosen with fire safety in mind.

  1. Sound stages: These are the heart of a studio, where most of the filming takes place. They are constructed using fire-resistant materials like concrete, steel, and fire-resistant drywall. Additionally, sound stages have integrated sprinkler systems and fire-resistant curtains to contain any potential fire outbreaks.
  2. Sets: Movie sets, which can mimic various environments, are also constructed with fire safety in mind. Flammable materials are minimized, and any necessary combustibles are properly stored and handled. Fire-resistant paints and coatings are often used to reduce the risk of a fire spreading.
  3. Production offices: Administrative areas within studios are equipped with fire alarms, extinguishers, and clear evacuation plans. Regular fire drills ensure that all studio personnel know how to respond in case of a fire emergency.
Hollywood tour fire safety old celluloid

Hollywood tour fire safetyincludes preserving old celluloid

Fire Detection and Suppression Systems

Modern Hollywood studios are equipped with advanced fire detection and suppression systems to detect and mitigate fire risks as early as possible. These systems include:

  1. Fire alarms: Studios have sophisticated fire alarm systems that use smoke and heat detectors to alert occupants of potential fire hazards. These alarms are connected to a central monitoring station, allowing for a quick response from the fire department if necessary.
  2. Sprinkler systems: Automatic sprinkler systems are strategically placed throughout the studio facilities. These systems can quickly douse a fire, preventing it from spreading to other areas.
  3. Fire extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are readily available throughout the studios, with different types to handle various fire types, such as electrical, chemical, or combustible materials fires.
  4. Emergency lighting: In the event of a power outage caused by a fire, emergency lighting systems ensure that evacuation routes remain illuminated, aiding safe evacuation.
  5. Fire hydrants and water supply: Studios typically have dedicated fire hydrants and a reliable water supply to ensure that firefighters have the necessary resources to combat any blaze effectively.

Fire Safety Training and Drills

Ensuring the safety of studio personnel is paramount. All employees, from actors to crew members, undergo fire safety training. This training includes:

  1. Fire evacuation procedures: Everyone in the studio is familiar with evacuation routes and assembly points in case of a fire emergency.
  2. Use of fire extinguishers: Personnel are trained in how to operate fire extinguishers effectively to combat small fires before they escalate.
  3. Emergency response: Studios have designated personnel responsible for coordinating emergency response efforts, including calling the fire department and managing evacuations.
  4. Regular drills: Fire drills are conducted regularly to reinforce fire safety protocols and ensure that everyone knows how to react swiftly and calmly in an emergency.

Fire Safety Regulations and Compliance

Hollywood movie studios must adhere to stringent fire safety regulations imposed by local and state authorities. These regulations are in place to ensure that studios maintain the highest standards of safety. Compliance includes:

  1. Permits and inspections: Studios must obtain permits for various activities, and these permits are often contingent on passing fire safety inspections. These inspections assess the studio’s compliance with fire codes and safety measures.
  2. Occupancy limits: Studios are subject to occupancy limits, ensuring that the number of people on set or in production areas does not exceed the capacity for safe evacuation in case of a fire.
  3. Hazardous materials: The handling and storage of hazardous materials, such as pyrotechnics and flammable props, are closely regulated. Studios must have special permits for the use of such materials and take extra precautions.
  4. Fire department coordination: Studios work closely with local fire departments to ensure a rapid response to emergencies. This includes providing fire departments with accurate layouts of studio facilities and access routes.

Pyrotechnics and Special Effects

Hollywood productions often involve elaborate pyrotechnics and special effects, which can pose unique fire risks. To mitigate these risks, studios employ certified pyrotechnicians and special effects experts who are well-versed in fire safety protocols. They also:

  1. Obtain permits: Special permits are typically required for any pyrotechnic or explosive effects. These permits involve detailed safety plans and on-site inspections.
  2. Fireproofing: Sets and props that will be subjected to pyrotechnics are often treated with fire-resistant materials to minimize the risk of a fire spreading.
  3. Safety zones: When pyrotechnics are used, safety zones are established to keep personnel and equipment at a safe distance. Only essential personnel are allowed within these zones.
  4. Fire blankets and extinguishers: Pyrotechnicians and special effects crews have fire blankets and extinguishers on hand in case of unexpected fire incidents.

Emergency Response

Despite all preventive measures, fires can still occur on movie sets. In such cases, a swift and effective emergency response is critical:

  1. Immediate notification: If a fire breaks out, the studio’s fire alarm system will notify occupants and the fire department simultaneously.
  2. Evacuation: All personnel follow established evacuation procedures, using designated routes and assembly points. These procedures are practiced regularly to ensure everyone knows what to do.
  3. Fire department response: The fire department arrives quickly, thanks to prior coordination and clear access routes. Their first priority is to extinguish the fire and ensure the safety of all occupants. Note that some studios like Universal have their own on-site fire station.
  4. Emergency medical care: In addition to fire suppression, firefighters are trained to provide basic medical care in case of injuries during a fire incident.

Preservation of Cinematic Treasures

Apart from protecting lives and property, Hollywood studios have a responsibility to safeguard their cinematic treasures, which include film reels, props, costumes, and archival materials. Fire poses a significant threat to these irreplaceable assets. Studios employ several strategies to protect their cinematic history:

  1. Archival storage: Studios maintain dedicated archival storage facilities designed with fire-resistant materials and fire suppression systems to protect original film reels and historical documents.
  2. Digitization: Many studios have embarked on digitization projects to create digital backups of their film libraries, ensuring that the content remains accessible even if the original reels are damaged in a fire.
  3. Prop storage: Valuable props and costumes are stored in climate-controlled and fire-resistant storage areas to reduce the risk of damage in case of a fire.
  4. Insurance: Studios typically carry comprehensive insurance policies that cover not only property but also the potential loss of historical assets in case of fire or other disasters.


Fire safety in Hollywood movie studios is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses infrastructure design, state-of-the-art detection and suppression systems, comprehensive training, and strict compliance with regulations. The tragic incidents of the past have spurred the industry to take robust measures to protect lives, property, and cinematic history.

While Hollywood’s focus is on creating captivating stories and iconic performances, it also understands the gravity of ensuring that these stories can be told safely, without the shadow of a devastating fire. By continuing to invest in fire safety measures and staying vigilant, Hollywood studios can continue to thrive while preserving the magic of the silver screen for generations to come.