Do Hollywood tours count as travel? Well, technically yes since you’ll be travelling on our tour buses. But specifically when talking about travel in Los Angeles (or California in general) those people who sell travel packages need to be registered by the state. We duplicate here the text from the office of the Attorney General of California.
California requires all sellers of travel to register with the Attorney General’s Office and to display the registration number on all advertising. While not assuring that a company is reputable, a valid registration signals that the seller of travel has at least followed the law to be registered.
When you’re at a travel agency, ask to see the seller of travel’s registration acknowledgement — a one-page document issued by the Attorney General’s Seller of Travel Program. Be sure to check the expiration date to determine whether the registration is still valid.
You also may use the “Seller Search” feature on this website to assist you in determining whether a seller of travel is registered with our office. Since there are many similar seller of travel names, please spell out the full name and address of the company.
If you prefer, you can find out whether a seller of travel is registered by contacting us at:
Mailing Address
Seller of Travel Program
Department of Justice
300 South Spring Street, Suite 1702
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: (213) 269-6564
Fax: (916) 731-2118
Email: [email protected]
“[R]egistration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.” (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 17550.24.)
Under certain circumstances, California consumers may recover money they paid for travel services not provided by a registered seller of travel. For more information, see “Consumer Refunds”.
If you are solicited for business or otherwise encounter a company arranging travel that is not currently registered as a seller of travel, please let us know. Send the name of the company and other contact information you may have to the Seller of Travel Program.